
found space

bart & i headed to the international district on saturday afternoon to do some exploring; wing luke asian museum, kobo shop & gallery, momo & the kinokuniya book store. wing luke was a gorgeous space, the relfection rooms/stairwells especially. the george tsukawa exhibit was interesting as well as the photographs of 1920s cannery workers; some of the others seemed unfinished or thrown together without a lot of heart. i recommend going, but i say it's an experience about the space & the architectural & design details.

i also recommend visiting neighboring stores kobo & momo, both have fun inventory. i picked up a cute egg press card & some soaps, a great place for a pretty gift.

if you still have some energy (you'll need a lot), stop by kinokuniya book store for a sheet of puffy stickers, japanese crafting books or some of chronicle books latest artist collections.

1 comment:

Erica Kelly said...

i just stumbled over your blog and i love it :)

i look forward to following!